vendredi 5 février 2010

“Riley and his story” vs “Why Mister Why”

What’s the difference between a witness and a photojournalist ?

Two of the most interesting war photography books of these past years, “Riley and his story” and “Why Mister why” both deal with Iraq. They both share a rough approach to book design (Why Mister why is printed on magazine stock for instance), perhaps a way to get the closest possible to field reality: harsh, ugly.

The main difference lies in the photographer’s eye. While Geert Van Kesteren was a journalist embedded with US troops, Riley Sharbonno was part of these troops. More precisely, Riley was part of the medical staff at Abu Ghraib facilities. This unique point of view yields with striking images, non professional ones, sometimes naïve, sometimes unbearable. Flipping through the book is a true experience, which makes “Riley and his story” a must read.

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